I want to like this place. No, I want to love this place. However, I’m just a frustrated girl with a sandwich.

Caffé Italia happily sits right in the middle of Montreal’s Little Italy and is well-known among the Italian community within Montreal. This shop is so widely loved that it was able to celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2016, and it's not very hard to see why. The moment you enter this small café you notice a sense of community. People are chatting at the counter as they sip their coffee, behind the counter a large cabinet is filled imported Italian bath products, a foosball table just waiting to be played, and a few groups of older Italian men laughing and pointing at each other. It keeps a sense of character, that the owners have worked very hard to keep. In 2014 the Caffé went under renovations. However, the owner promised customers ”it was going to be a prettier shade of ugly.” Therefore was very welcoming to three college students wondering away from Joan Talon Market to get some food before grocery shopping.

Leanna, myself, and our friend Zach entered the Caffé nervously, it was our first time in Little Italy and we didn’t really know our way around. We found a small table in the back and quickly shuffled our way over. The walls were scattered with photos of other people and art piece that seemed to be telling a story of a distant land called home. It gives the customer a warm homey feeling that almost brings a tear to the eye. The menu is written on a chalkboard in the front of the room and has listed a few different sandwiches for around $6-7, and a various different coffee’s available. Two pastrami sandwiches, a salami sandwich, an Americano, and a cappuccino later, the meal began.
My heart sank. The scene of this place is wholesome and comforting, the people are bright and friendly. I just don’t like sandwiches. Ever fiber in my being wanted to like this food. I took a bite and the flavors dance with a salty-sweet tang that entranced me. Yet, something always held me back. The texture.
Ever since I was a child I have never been a big fan of sandwiches. Specifically, deli meat sandwiches. The texture of deli meat is that of leather or rubber. Like toys you played with as a child, then slathered in spice and warmed. Yet, these sandwiches are different. They had a rainbow of color, an explosion of flavor, but there is always the texture. I want to love this place. I want to love everything about it. However, sandwiches will always hold me back.
Overall Rating:
Grace: Sonic The Hedgehog

Leanna: Dragon Age: Inquisition

One long bar with seat, 15 tables, and a warm sense of home.
There is a decent bit of noise but not enough to have to yell to be heard.
Written every day on a chalkboard, known for their sandwiches and coffee.
$6 sandwiches are hard to find this good
Every day from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm
Wheelchair accessible: