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The titles of the rating systems are purely for the fun of the writers and their own personal opinions on video games. If you are upset with the titles please take a moment to remember that this is about food, and we can all have opinions.
Final Fantasy X-2
Bad. Just Bad. No one should play it. No one should eat it.

Call of Duty
This is the fast food of the game world. You might be able to finish half of it, but it might not sit well with you.

Sonic the Hedgehog
Good in theory, bad in practice. It was passable but you probably wouldn't eat it again, unless you were with some friends.

Dragon Age: Inquisition
All around, a good meal. Was is perfect? Nope, but you would definitely come back and eat here again.

Pokemon Master
A new favorite meal! Something that really makes you excited to show others and rub it in someone else's face.

This is the best place you have eaten at in a long time. You haven't had a meal like this in forever, and it makes you feel warm and safe. You can only give this rating, once a month.
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