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What is Montreal's culture?

As the most populated municipality in the province of Quebec the city of Montreal is bound to have a melting pot of cultures and foodie paradises sprinkled through out. The quest at hand is not to find the most food cultures within the city, but to find the most 'Montreal' restaurant we can find. We will talk to native Montrealers and even our non-native peers to find out what places they think are the most culturally indicative of the great city.


Vodka, A New Friend

Our long trek to La Sala Rossa left me a little cold to the bone and to the heart. I was feeling tired by the time we actually go in the...

Quick and Delicious

There is a thing called a smoked meat sandwich and it exists here in the heart of Montreal. This mountain consists of two thin slices of...

Late night adventures

The original plan was to head to a place called Schwartz’s, but after a suggestion from a well-respected teacher, Leanna Russell and I...

The Montreal Bagel in Action

The Montreal-style bagel is traditionally a handmade and wood-fired baked bagel. The Montreal bagel is a smaller, thinner, sweeter and...

Let’s Go Back, Just One More Time

Take a moment to imagine a mom and pop breakfast dinner. There are regulars all around, a bar in the front, and the smell of eggs and...

Second Floor From a Tiny Door

There may not have been any dancers this night, but the food seemed to lift me up like I was in Dirty Dancing. Without a doubt, I did...

Take a Taste Trip

Lebanese cuisine is notable for its use of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, starches, fresh fish and seafood. It also includes high...

Food to Warm The Soul

The day is cold and rainy as our small group of friends waddle down the Chinatown streets for the promise of warm, satisfying soup...

"A Special Shade of Ugly"

I’m not a complex person. In fact, I often find that most people are really simple deep down. Everyone wants simple things with simple...

Tiny Shop, New Food

Never in my life before have I tried shawarma. Not because I don’t like it, but rather because I never really had the opportunity to. It...

Dumplings: A Legendary Tale

“No delicacy is as delicious as dumplings.” Is written within a paragraph that sits at the front of the store, and they are entirely...

A Beloved Place, A Frustrated Girl

I want to like this place. No, I want to love this place. However, I’m just a frustrated girl with a sandwich. Caffé Italia happily sits...

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